Sunday, September 18, 2005

Willington Library

Many people have asked about the new Willington Municipal Library. After 8 years of planning, a ground breaking was held to begin construction of the new Library. It is being constructed at the corner of Route 320 (Ruby Road) and Route 74 (Tolland Turnpike). The entrance will be on Ruby Road. The project is expected to take about a year and cost 3.5 million dollars for construction costs and soft costs.


Anonymous said...

I saw some trucks up at the construction site the other day - it's really happening!

willington taxpayer said...

Yes, it is amazing what 3.5 million dollars does to get people moving. I really am glad that I was able to make people believe that a new library was possible. It will be a tremendous asset for the Town.

Anonymous said...

The paper said that the contract is for $2.67 million. Where is the rest of the $3.5 million? That seems like an awful lot of books.

willington taxpayer said...

That is a good question about who is in charge of the library project. There is a library building committee but they seem to defer to the Library Board and the First Selectmen gets in there at times. There needs to be one person or committee that should handle the project - it should be the building committee.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that in order to be the "Project Manager" of a build as complex as this, one would need building experience and the time to manage all the moving parts on a daily basis.
Can we assume that we can't rely on the General Contractor hired for the build to keep us on budget and on schedule?
If not, then who should it be? I would think the First Selectman couldn't/shouldn't take on the responsibility since there are many other pressing projects that need attention. Could the Building Committee appoint someone outside the Committee or Board to do this task?

willington taxpayer said...

The building committe could appoint a Clerk of the Works but have declined to do so as a cost saving measure. A couple of the members of the building committee do have building experience and are helping on a volunteer basis.

Anonymous said...

There better be no bail outs of miss managed building of the library if no Clerk of the Works or Site supervisor are in charge. Will the first selectment not be available for comment on this issue too?

Anonymous said...

i would like to point out that i have volunteered to assume the duties of clerk of the works for the new willington public library and i take this job very seriously. i invite anyone who wishes to know more about the construction of the library to call me and i'll be glad to meet you at the site. i'll answer any questions you may have and show you what's going on up there. no need for doubt! dave gankofskie call me at 429-0721. thanks.