Sunday, September 18, 2005

Willington Senior Housing

The Access Agency of Willimantic applied for and received a grant to build an income-limited 32 unit Senior Housing apartment building on Old Farms Road in Willington. The facility is being designed currently and a ground breaking is expected late fall.


Anonymous said...

Have tenants been found for all of the units? How does one go about getting on a list of potential tenants? Do you know how much the rent will be?

willington taxpayer said...

There will be an announcement concerning how to apply for an apartment by the Access Senior Housing of Willington (ASHOW) Board when the apartment building is closer to completion. The rent will be dependent upon your income. I do not know the exact formula.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the groundbreaking will be the week before November 8th.

Anonymous said...

Is this senior housing only for the Willington residents or any other ineterest citizen from other towns can apply and come in based on their age, disability,income etc?

What if I'm a long time resident and over income and choose to apply for this senior housing beacuse my family members and friends in late life are all staying in town, would I be qualified for the this senior housing or the out of town residents(with limited income) will knock me out of luck?Can you explain that scenario?

willington taxpayer said...

to minority in town,

The housing is available to all people regardless of residence. This is due to the Federal funding being provided to build the housing and also Federal Fair Housing Laws. The upside is that people from out of town will probably not apply for housing here unless they have family in the area. The 32 unit apartment building currently being desinged is income limited however there is to be a follow on phase in the same location that is not income limited. The Willington Housing Authority is still investigating funding options for that phase.